Temperature Sensors & Probes


Thermocouple Sensors & Probes Thermocouple Temperature Sensors & Probes

Our offering of Thermocouple temperature sensors and probes feature fast response time, long-term stability, good accuracy and repeatable measurements. Type J, K, T, E, R, and S are currently available for air, surface and emersion applications. Special purpose and custom configuration probes are available.

RTD Sensors & Probes RTD Temperature Sensors & Probes

Our offering of RTD temperature sensors and probes feature fast response time, long-term stability, good accuracy and repeatable measurements. Type PT100 and PT1000 are currently available for air, surface and emersion applications. Special purpose and custom configuration probes are available.

Thermistor Temperature Sensors & Probes Thermistor Temperature Sensors & Probes

Our offering of Thermistor temperature sensors and probes feature fast response time, long-term stability, good accuracy and repeatable measurements. Standard 10K or 2252 Ohm @ 25C types are currently available for air, surface and emersion applications. Special purpose and custom configuration probes are available.



Thermocouple sensor, Thermocouple probe, PT100 sensor, PT100 probe, TC sensor, TC probe, RTD sensor, RTD probe, type-k thermocuple, type-j thermocuple, type-e thermocuple, type-t thermocuple, type-r thermocuple, type-s thermocuple, type-k sensor, type-j sensor, type-e sensor, type-t sensor, type-r sensor, type-s sensor, type-k probe, type-j probe, type-e probe, type-t probe, type-r probe, type-s probe.